Streets of Rage 4: Update haut so richtig rein

Image: DotEmu

Neues Update für Streets of Rage 4 haut mit dem anpassbaren Überlebensmodus, kooperativen Moves und mehr als 300 Verbesserungen so richtig rein.

Publisher und Co-Entwickler Dotemu und die Co-Entwicklungsteams von Lizardcube und Guard Crush Games haben ein neues Content-Update für Streets of Rage 4 veröffentlicht, das das preisgekrönte Revival der ikonischen Prügelserie auf PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC via Steam, Good Old Games und im Windows Store um mehr als 300 Verbesserungen erweitert.

Weitere Details zu neuen Inhalten und Verbesserungen gibt es im heutigen Trailer:

Der Trailer gibt einen ersten Einblick in das Update und zeigt eine Reihe herausragender, neuer kooperativer Moves, mit denen Spielerinnen und Spieler ihr Combo-Teamwork auf ein ganz neues Level heben können. Der brandneue anpassbare Überlebensmodus wird ebenfalls gezeigt – Er ermöglicht die volle Kontrolle über den Survival-Spaß, der letztes Jahr als Teil des Mr. X Nightmare DLCs eingeführt wurde. Die vollständigen Patchnotes findet man hier.

Streets of Rage 4 Patch-Notes

DLC patch changelog:


– Added some destroyables to help to maintain the combo counter

Combo counter:

– Added a half second to disappear

– Stage transitions have a bonus time to not break combo counter

Added Custom Survival Mode:

– Player can tweak his/her survival experience with a variety of options.

Mania +:

– Added Cursed arcades in Mania+ difficulty.

– Added special reinforcements during boss battles.

– Added One life.

– Score to get an extra life is higher in arcade.

Added coop attack:

– Hold ‚Pick up‘ and grab your partner to throw him.

– Airborne player can press special button to perform a unique attack.

All characters:

– Lots of reduced hitstop

– All charged attacks and normal combo last hits can hit multiple enemies after the first active frames even if an enemy is hit

– Fixed a bug where some wallbounces could do no damage

– Increased stun on air down attacks

– Throws will hit the other enemies close to the player with more consistency


Axel Stone (SOR4)

– Air down attack has a slight bigger hitbox.

– Dragon crush has a bigger hitbox.

– Dragon crush added air control.

– Dragon crush travels farther.

– Dragon crush launches higher.

– Dragon crush leaves a fire area on landing.

– Dragon bite better recover.

– Dragon bite life cost reduced.

– Dragon bite damage increased.

– Dragon bite hase more active frames.

– Dragon bite has less freeze.

– Grand upper increased invincibility time.

– Grand upper does more damage.

– Grand upper hits can hit multiple enemies.

– Dragon dive last hit improved hitbox.

– Dragon dive can turn for last hit.

– Dragon dive has longer active frames.

– Dragon dive has less freeze.

– Dragon Upper has slight air control, better hitbox, hits off the ground, recovery is invincible, less freeze.

– Dragon burst’s tornado has a bigger hitbox.

– Charge attack recovers faster.

– Last combo kick recovers faster and hitbox stays active longer after impact.

– Default defensive special has more depth.

Blaze Fielding (SOR4):

– Hienzan ignores weight.

– Hienzan life cost reduced.

– Rekkaken has 2 more invincible frames.

– Rekkaken juggle properties reworked (less infinites).

– Rekkaken does less damage.

– Shin Hishousouzan ignores weight.

– Shin Hishousouzan recovery time reduced.

– Shin Hishousouzan better hitbox and depth.

– Shin Hishousouzan life cost reduced.

– Shin Hishousouzan hitstop time reduced.

– Uraken Uchi damage buff.

– Uraken Uchi longer active frames.

– Uraken Uchi life cost reduced.

– Uraken Uchi better range and depth.

– Shin kikoushou better damage and depth.

– Back attack hitbox extended upward.

Cherry Hunter (SOR4):

– Sound check hits sooner

– Special stage effects doesn’t knock down on the first hit

– Special stage effects first hit has a small ground bounce

– Sommersault life cost reduced

– Sommersault is now fully invincible

– Sommersault has a deeper hitbox

– Both blitzes can be canceled by air special

– Cherry is now more vulnerable when on top of an enemy

– Default air special does more damage

– Alt air special damage rescaled (actual hit does more damage and fire pool does less damage)

Floyd Iraia (SOR4):

– Walk speed increased.

– Harder for enemies to escape Floyd’s throws and throw combos.

– jab range increased.

– Combo damage increased.

– Combo last punch launches higher and farther with better wall bounce, better recovery.

– Charge attack damage increased.

– Charge attack launches higher and farther with better wall bounce.

– Charge attack has armor properties.

– Charge attack better recovery.

– Power slide added hit on the way down.

– Power slide launches higher and closer to Floyd.

– Throw bounce higher.

– Throw wall bounce damage increased.

– Throw hits enemy at close range.

– Throws do more damage.

– Double throw launches closer to Floyd.

– Double throw has a larger hitbox.

– Double throw breaks armor and invincibility.

– Grab special launches higher.

– Grab third punch slams the enemy on the ground.

– Gatling punch is not invincible if whiffed.

– More damage on star move back hit.

– Alt defensive do not heal with bloodthirst.

– Default blitz has some invincibility at the beginning.

Adam Hunter (SOR4):

– Corrected a bug where you could do air special with no life cost.

– Alternate star move last hitbox is taller.

– Last combo kick now has body hit properties.

– Specials cost reduced.

– Added jump cancel after combo 3rd hit.

– Extended combo 3rd hit hitbox toward body.

– Fixed a bug where you couldn’t perform special forward while grabbing from behind.

– Added wall bounce damage on Howl Fang 2nd hit.

– Split fang ignores weight.

– Split fang wallbounces higher.

– Sword upper recovers faster.

– Sword upper has less freeze.

– Blitz hits OTG.

– Blitz has a bigger hitbox.

– Default air special is invincible and has lower hitbox.

– Default air special costs less.

– Alt offensive special last hit has more depth.

– Alt defensive more active frames, depth and can hit multiple enemies.

– Throws lower.

– Charge attack has more depth.

Estel Aguirre (SOR4):

– Combo damage increased.

– Combo adjusted so it doesn’t loop into itself.

– Combo third punch pushes less and stun more.

– Combo 5th hit wall damage increased.

– Charge attack cannot be linked with itself.

– Charge attack damage buffed.

– Charge attack can be canceled by a special move.

– Back attack damage increased.

– Boot mark damage increased.

– Flying scythe damage increased.

– Sucker punch damage increased.

– Added FX to flying scythe.

– Neutral jump attack better hitbox.

– Grab neutral attack damage increased, better wallbounce, better reecovery, longer active frames and bigger hitbox.

– Flashbang bigger hitbox, longer stun and more active frames.

– Air Flashbang stun duration inscreased, life cost decreased, added slight air control.

– Fire grenade bigger hitbox, launches higher, added wall bounce.

– Air Fire grenade damage increased, life cost decreased, added slight air control.

– Surgical strike better hitbox, better juggle, spawned knife last longer.

– Police tackle invincibilityduration increased and damage increased.

– Police tackle aoe punch is the same for both few hits and several hits variation.

– Player Estel police call has blue cross airs.

– Heel kick has more range.

– Default blitz hes lessa freeze.

– Police call longer invincibility.

– Alt air special does more damage.

Shiva (SOR4):

– Final crash is faster, does more damage and has less recovery, launch properties reworked.

– Flying kick does less damage, has less invincibility, has more recovery.

– Spirit Palm has less invincibility, more recovery.

– Back attack can be followed by a launching kick.

– Air Senretsu ken has more recovery on ground.

– Alternate defensive special now launches standing enemies and has better OTG launch.

– Shiva clone special moves do not heal with bloodthirst (Clone star move still does).

– Default air down special has a larger and higher hitbox, launches higher.

Max Thunder (SOR4):

– Fixed last hit of combo hitting twice, now has a proper ground slam.

– Charge attack bigger hitbox.

– Back attack infinite juggle fixed.

– Vortex vaccum costs more health and vaccums less.

– Spinning knuckle bomb lasts longer (additional hits), travels farther and is more juggle friendly.

– Air thunder strike strikes 3 times in a line.

– Default air special has better air control and better hitbox.

– Max Iron will end is more noticeable.

– Max has 20% damage and speed increase under Iron Will star move.

– Body Slam has better air control and recovery.

– Clothes line has bodyhit.

– Power slide, Spinning Knuckle Bomb, Thunder Tackle less hitstop.

– Rolling grab deals low damage on its path, less incinvibility .


All SOR1 characters:

– Added many wall bounce.

– Invincibility lasts longer after cop attack.

– Cop attack hits full screen.

– Cop attack damage increased.

– Adjusted move properties for more combos.

– Faster jump start.

– Added Charge attack.

– Charge attacks have a short invincibility.

– Last combo hit and charge attack hitbox remain active after hitting so it can hit multiple enemies during active frames.

SOR1 Adam:

– Pummel elbow bounces enemy.

– Alternative star move launches higher, bounces enemy and does more damage.

– Back attack improved invincibility and hitbox.

– Combo last hit and Charge attack better hitbox.

SOR1 Blaze:

– Back attack added body hit properties.

– Back attack improved hitbox.

– Alternative star move better hitbox.

– Jump kick is faster.


– Combo last hit and Charge attack better hitbox.

– Air attack improved hitbox.

– Air attack slams on ground.

– Charged attack slams on ground.


SOR2 Axel:

– Alternative star move always send flying forward.

– Faster walk speed.

– Headbutt is invincible.

– Dragon Dash Blow does more damage.

– Spinning Dragon Upper has less recovery.

– Spinning Dragon Upper better wall bounce.

– Dragon smash last hit is invincible and has better hitbox.

– Spinning kick juggles better.

– Dragon blow life cost reduced.

– Jumping kick is faster and has a better hitbox.

– Star move wall bounce only on last hit.

– Default offensive has better juggle properties.

– Default star move has less recovery.

– Alt defensive has more depth.

– Alt Star move not being invincible to bottles and other star moves fixed.

SOR2 Blaze:

– Back attack removed ground slam.

– Blitz added one hit on the way up dans slam properties to last hit.

– Blitz travels farther.

– Blitz removed wall bounce.

– Alternate blitz better hitbox.

– Alternate defensive special better hitbox and can hit multiple enemies.

– Aerial grab added air control, damage rescaled and bounces off enemies infinitely.

– Kikou shou is faster and improved hitbox.

– Slam throw slams opponent for real.

– Alternate star move gives 2 seconds of invincibility.

SOR2 Max:

– Throws do more damage.

– Sliding tackle freeze time reduced and slides farther.

– Power chop damage increased and has less recovery.

– Rolling grab is invincible during the rolling part.

– Choke hold is now cancellable by special moves and blitz.

– Spinning knuckle bomb has more depth.

– Alternate defensive special does more damage, cost less HP but launches lower when it hits an airborne enemy.

SOR2 Skate:

– Breakdance launches higher.

– Back pummel reduced hit stop.

– Back pummel can be interrupted by a jump.

– Jump down attack can be followed up with Jump kick.

– Combo stuns more and does more damage.

– Last combo hit launches closer to Skate.

– Neutral grab attack launches closer to Skate.

– Front pummel does more damage.

– Charge attack does more damage.

– Jab range increased.

– Sommersault better consistency hitting both hits and improved hitbox.

– Cannonball does more damage and added air control.

– Inline rush can be special cancelled sooner.

– Vault throw launches farther, better wallbounce.

– Jumping kick is faster and has a better hitbox.


All SOR3 characters:

– All SOR3 characters (except Roo) jump higher.

SOR3 Axel:

– Charge attack does more damage.

– Scissor Kicks better launch, improved hitbox, travels farther.

– Improved recover on Star moves.

– Spinning body blow can hit off the ground, reworked juggle speed, added wall bounce.

– Spinning body smash launches higher and closer to Axel, does more damage.

– Alternate Star move launches 3 projectiles with longer freeze, spawns a katana.

– Dragon punch does more damge, improved hitbox and depth, better launch properties.

– Grab headbutt is invincible.

– Better depth on dodge roll.

SOR3 Blaze:

– Chou reppa dan does more damage, improved launch, faster, added wall bounce.

– Energy burst faster recover and does more damage.

– Alternative star move improved hit box and launch properties.

– Jumping kick is faster and has a better hitbox.

– Alt blitz has less invincibility at the end.

– Improved damage on default blitz and forward special.

– Alternate forward special does more damage and ignores weight.

– Better depth on dodge roll.

SOR3 Skate:

– Ground Roll blitz reworked: goes farther, oscillates and hits only once.

– Flying headbutt first hit relaunches higher and closer to Skate.

– Spinning attack launches away from Skate, fixed wallbounce bug.

– Skating fist fury hits multiple times and direction can be controlled, does more damage overall, only has invincible frames for half the duration of the move.

– Flash kick does more damage, launches higher.

– Vault throw launches farther, does more damage, added wallbounce.

– Better depth on dodge roll.

SOR3 Zan:

– Alternate blitz improved travel distance and launch.

– Alternative offensive special reworked, added air control.

– Alternative defensive special now hits during energy ball spawn, Spawned Energy ball does more damage.

– Jumping attack is faster and has a better hitbox.

– Default blitz travels farther and has better recovery.

SOR3 Shiva:

– Alternate Star move does more damage, target is invincible during move, last hitbox is bigger.

– Alternate blitz does more damage, faster startup and recovery, hitbox depth improved, launches higher, can be done tree times in a row pressing attack button.

– Alternate neutral special launches higher and closer to Shiva, hitbox improved, does more damage, added air control.

– Alternate forward special improved launch, does more damage.

– Default forward special improved hitbox toward the back of the character.

– Final crash does more damage.

– Combo does more damage.

– Default blitz less freeze and more invincibility.

SOR3 Roo:

– Offensive special juggles better.

– Alternate offensive special does more damage, bounces enemies, can be cancelled into air version has slight air control.

– Default air special does more damage, added air control, bounces enemies, better hit consistency.

– Earthquake startup is faster, last hit launches higher.

– Jab infinite nerfed.

– Spawned Bruce has the same palette as Roo.

– Bug fixed: Roo’s vault is invincible.

– Roo default offensive special wallbounce only on last hit.

– default blitz and offensive special drag enemies.

– Last pummel hit is invincible.

– Alt defensive has better active frames and hitbox depth.

– Bruce spawn has more life and better invincibility on hop.



– removed armor during wake up.

Z and Z elite:

– master more weapons.

Cherry boss:

– Star move start up slower.


– Signal enemies scream before their slide and throw.


– Slight damage buff.

Survival buffs:

– Glass cannon reduces defense by 60% isntead of 100%.

– Charged buffs are stronger.

– Full of yourself is stronger.

– Sharpen tool is stronger.

– Allied Gold is stronger.

– Allied Donovan masters more weapons.

– Allied Galsia does the correct amount of damage with golden weapons.

– Allied Cop has more life and his throw cannot be escaped.

– Allied Mr Y starts in angry state and can juggle enemies with bullets.

– Allied Stiletto attacks faster.

– Allied Condor has more health, blocks less, added wallbounce on hits.

– Allied Sugar is armor during her headbutt preparation and has improved wallbounce.

– Allied Steffie has a faster grenade throw rate (and first grenade spawns instantly).

– More healing pick ups in survival mode higher levels (so bloodthirst is not mandatory to reach high levels anymore).


– Flames from fire buff are different from regular flames.

– Elemental effects in survival are toned down.

– ball hazard reworked and re-tweaked, always launches in the same direction as the ball’s momentum.

– ball damage reduced for small hit.

– Hole fall damage reduced.

– Weapon throws are invincible and special cancelable.

– Zan, Shiva 3&4, Roo can now activate bonus levels.

– Durian hitbox improved.

– Shorter transition time going out of bonus stage 2 : Stage 4 full combo is easier.

– Shorter transition time going out of bonus stage 3 : Stage 5 full combo is easier.

– Shorter transition time going out of bonus stage 4 : Stage 8 full combo is easier.

– Smaller hitbox on fire and steam geyser.

– Added hidden weapon in stage 6 tower first floor.

– Big chinese sword has more durability.

– Dick enemy has less life.

– Barney enemy has less life.

– Stage 3 more heal pickup.

– Ruby has less life.

– You need more score to gain an extra life in mania plus.

– Can follow up a special move by a neutral jump without frame loss.

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8 Kommentare Added

  1. Mr Poppell 60840 XP Stomper | 11.03.2023 - 13:26 Uhr

    Wer es noch nicht gespielt sollte dies unbedingt nachholen, kann es wärmstens empfehlen. Ich werd nach dem Update auch noch mal reinschauen. Mit den richtigen Menschen macht der Coop jede Menge Spaß 👍

  2. burito361 87720 XP Untouchable Star 4 | 11.03.2023 - 15:19 Uhr

    Ich hab das Hauptspiel durch. werde reinschauen und den DLC zulegen.
    kann ich auch empfehlen

  3. Ranzeweih 119905 XP Scorpio King Rang 4 | 12.03.2023 - 17:47 Uhr

    Ich hoffe auf einen Nachfolger. Der 4er ist echt richtig gut und über einen fünften Teil würde ich mich ebenfalls freuen. Kann mich noch gut dran erinnern, wie ich den ersten damals auf dem Mega Drive gezockt hab.


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