Rust Console Edition: Community Server und Patch 1.84 verfügbar

Image: Double Eleven Ltd.

Updates für die Rust Console Edition: Community Server stehen nun ebenso bereit wie die Patch Notes zum Patch 1.84.

Mit einem knapp anderthalbminütigen Video kündigten die Entwickler der Rust Console Edition an, dass ab sofort Community-Server gemietet werden können.

Verfügbar sind die über G-Portal und kein Server gleicht dem anderen. Demnach wird wohl jeder Community Server einem anderen Spielstil gerecht. Solltet ihr einen Community-Sever für die Rust Console Edition öffnen wollen, so könnt ihr euch im Vorfeld über die offizielle Website ausführlich über sämtliche Optionen informieren.

Das Community-Update kommt aber nicht allein. Der Patch 1.84 ist da und verspricht zahlreiche Neuerungen. So stehen euch nun für kleine Boxen 18 statt 12 Plätze zur Verfügung, für große Boxen nutzt ihr 48 statt 30 Slots.

Außerdem nahm man sich etwa der Probleme mit Texturen an, solltet ihr von einem Hai angegriffen werden, wird es jetzt richtig blutig. NPCs nutzen endlich ihrem Charakter entsprechende Ausrüstung und der fehlende Quest-Gegenstand für „Tackle the Day“ fehlt auch nicht länger.

Das ist allerdings nur ein kleiner Auszug aus den umfangreichen Patch Notes. Alle Änderungen und Verbesserungen, die der Patch 1.84 für Rust mit sich bringt, seht ihr hier.

Rust Console Edition – Version 1.84 Patch Notes

RUST – Patch 1.84

• Community Servers.
• Requested Community updates.
• Combat Log.
• Lootable underwater crates.
• New Recycler animations.
• Increased Small Box storage from 12 to 18 slots.
• Increased Large Box storage from 30 to 48 slots.
• Added blood cloud and water FX when attacked by a shark.
• Counter number no longer visible through walls.
• Fixed a bug causing players to get invalid shots when targeting a player on a moving Row Boat/RHIB.
• Fixed a bug where players could clip through ceilings using Ladders.
• “Getting Your Five a Day” now triggers when a player has eaten five fruit/vegetables within a single day.
• Player position no longer affects Boat Push/Mount interaction.
• Players no longer only see blue when irradiated and in cold water during the night.
• Players‘ cameras no longer pull downwards when at a particular depth while swimming.
• Quest item for “Tackle the Day” no longer missing.
• Radiation now damages players correctly.
• The Player’s hand no longer moves back and forth while holding an item and riding a Horse under certain conditions.
• “Treasure Hunt” Mission now finishes once the Treasure box has been completely looted.
• Bradleys remains now disappear when destroyed.
• Fixed texture issues at the Airfield, Dome, Lighthouse, Train Yard, Harbor, Satellite Dish, and Oil Rig.
• Gaps in terrain no longer appear at Outpost.
• Launch Site buildings now render properly.
• Oil Rig Cargo Helicopter no longer flips over and dies when an explosion occurs underneath it.
• Oil Rig smoke stack flame no longer casts a shadow in the sun.
• Players are no longer able to get stuck between Recycler and hobo barrel in Outpost.
• Players can no longer shoot Scientists hands that clip through walls at Large Oil Rig.
• Players no longer get stuck in gaps in the Mining Outpost roof.
• Scientists no longer stuck inside the vent on top of the red keycard room on the Large Oil Rig.
• The Cargo Ship no longer flickers in and out of view.
• All NPCs now use their respective character model and gear.
• Animal footsteps are no longer missing.
• Attack Helicopters no longer orbit around players who aggro it when in Safezone.
• Boats no longer lose buoyancy when pushed off of floating junkpiles.
• Chinook patrol area now matches Steam Version.
• Door Controller lights are now the correct color.
• Fixed a number of instances where z-fighting could occur.
• Fixed an issue where players could glitch through a cliffs by placing sleeping items beneath it.
• Fixed animal corpse ragdolling when killed by a player.
• Fixed gaps between rocks and terrain.
• Fixed river source particle effect when bright at night.
• Fixed rubberbanding that could be seen when helicopters fly across the map.
• Fixed various texture, LOD and collision issues.
• Half Wall no longer flickers when walking backwards slowly.
• Impact decals on Mineral Nodes are no longer shiny and reflective.
• Light meshes now have emissions.
• Mission Vendors no longer hardlock the game.
• Night length is no longer 50 by default.
• Players are no longer able to clip through certain ice sheets.
• Players are no longer able to clip through foundations using a Kayak.
• Players are no longer able to get inside the High External Stone Wall from the bottom.
• Players are no longer able to shoot through Siren Lights placed on Metal Embrasures.
• Remains now appear when the Attack Helicopter is destroyed.
• Sheet Metal Wall no longer has static lines during the afternoon.
• Stone & Wood roof wall no longer has gaps.
• The Hostile Timer radius around the Safe Zone is now a reasonable size.
• Fixed orientation of Acoustic Guitar when held by players.
• All storage slots are now usable in the Rowboat Storage.
• Dropbox Storage doesn’t take extra items from player’s inventory.
• Fixed an issue where the Large Furnace would not give comfort when turned on.
• Fixed Boat animations.
• Fixed the Python Revolver orientation when placed in an Auto Turret.
• Fixed the RF Transmitter so it no longer adds 01 automatically and the red light works correctly.
• Fixed the Rug crafting recipe.
• Holosight and Simple Handmade Sight zoom ins are no longer different when changing between 60-90 FOV.
• Incendiary Rockets now match the Steam version.
• Items are now sent to the rear container of the Drop Box when the player submits the item for the front container.
• Jackhammer now auto-hits all sweet spots on mining nodes when mining.
• Kayaks no longer get launched high up in the air when shot with a rocket.
• Locked Crate collision no longer persists after looting it.
• Memory Cell lights now show correctly.
• Miners Hat light is no longer too intense on close objects.
• Object placement silhouette now shows red when hovering over a spot where the held item cannot be placed.
• Player is no longer restricted to Diving Masks vision despite player character and gear.
• Pump Jack fuel storage no longer accepts any item, only Low Grade Fuel.
• RHIB storage now matches the Steam Version.
• Scientist suits are no longer available at cost from Vending Machines.
• The amount of water that is manually given is now capped to the maximum amount that the Water Pump can hold.
• The cooldown timer between Beds and Sleeping Bags are now independent when first placed.
• Wall deployable electrical components can no longer be placed on Walls.
• Water Bucket no longer clips through players hands at certain perspectives.
• Water Purifier no longer transfers when nothing is connected.
• Correct prompt now shows when looking at Horses being ridden by other players.
• Red Text no longer appears when rotating an item or when a player bleeds out while another player is in their inventory.
• Rotate prompt no longer shows when equipping Netting item.
• UI elements no longer overflow onto other UI elements.
• Beeping SFX is now heard when entering codes using button shortcuts.
• Python Revolver Auto Turret now has correct SFX when firing.
• SFX now plays when hitting a melee weapon against any object underwater.
• Changed the rate at which players could spawn on tiny islands disconnected from the main island.
• Fixed a freeze that could occur when looking at the Water Purifier and holding deployables.
• Options are now saved accordingly while in a server.
• Reporting a Player with comments no longer causes an empty Code of Conduct window to appear.

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11 Kommentare Added

  1. DerOpaZockt 65595 XP Romper Domper Stomper | 02.12.2023 - 16:06 Uhr

    Bisher war mir dieses Game noch keinen wirklichen Blick wert. Sollte ich das ändern?

    • SnakeForce 85 23185 XP Nasenbohrer Level 2 | 02.12.2023 - 16:28 Uhr

      Geht mir genauso, manchmal hab ich überlegt, ob man mal einen Blick riskiert, auch ab und zu mal bei Twitch geschaut, aber so richtig ist auch bei mir bisher nicht der Funke übergesprungen.

  2. Limbo 5780 XP Beginner Level 3 | 02.12.2023 - 16:43 Uhr

    Ich habe mich da noch nicht ran getraut. Obwohl ich diese Perspektive früher in GTA geliebt habe, traue ich mich nicht.
    Und das, obwohl ich Bock drauf habe

  3. Mr.Boomerang 1700 XP Beginner Level 1 | 02.12.2023 - 16:44 Uhr

    Lohnt sich dass Spiel denn? War schon häufiger am überlegen es mir zu kaufen aber ich habe selten gutes über die Konsolen Version gehört weshalb ich immernoch skeptisch bin.

  4. Phonic 253305 XP Xboxdynasty Veteran Silber | 02.12.2023 - 20:04 Uhr

    Jetzt wird das Game endlich interessant, Public Server sind nicht wirklich spielbar wenn man nicht 24/7 Zeit hat zu zocken.

  5. Smarti 18530 XP Sandkastenhüpfer Level 4 | 02.12.2023 - 20:24 Uhr

    Rust war ja schon sehr stark auf dem PC aber die Xbox Version war sehr hinterher. Vielleicht muss man doch Mal reingucken.

  6. Morpheusde 2870 XP Beginner Level 2 | 03.12.2023 - 09:00 Uhr

    Endlich ist es soweit das mb eigene Server einrichten kann jetzt werde ich das Spiel mal testen

  7. Alan Sleep 1420 XP Beginner Level 1 | 03.12.2023 - 16:57 Uhr

    Ich habe mir das Spiel mal zum Konsolen Release gekauft und es war schon sehr enttäuschend. Seitdem habe ich es auch nicht mehr angerührt.. aber vielleicht ist es Mal wieder an der Zeit dem Spiel eine weiter Chance zu geben.


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