Pinball FX3: Neues Update mit Verbesserungen in Turnieren und mehr


In Pinball FX3 verbessert das neue Update unter anderem die Turniere im Flipperspiel.

Basierend auf dem Feedback der Spieler, hat Zen Studios ein neues Update mit Verbesserungen für das Flipperspiel Pinball FX3 veröffentlicht, welches bereits für Xbox One und Windows 10 erhältlich ist.

Nach dem Update stehen beispielsweise neue Schnellspiel Kategorien für zufällige Spiele oder Turniere zur Auswahl. Turniere können neben neuen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten auch mit einer kürzeren Laufzeit zwischen einer und acht Stunden oder gar mit dem neuen, klassischen Modus gänzlich ohne Perks erstellt werden.

Patch Notes für Pinball FX3 Update April 2018

New Features


  • The number of players participating in the actual Matchup league is now displayed
  • See a new popup notification when you unlock a new mastery reward
  • Local high-score leaderboard added to the pause menu
  • My Collection screen has a new virtual group: Weekly Matchup Tables
  • In the Newsfeed, a “New Matchup Season Started” category has been added
  • A separate Superscore leaderboard has been introduced for Classic Mode

Quick Play Features

  • New Quick Play category Random Play has been added
  • New Quick Play category Tournament has been added
  • New Quick Play category Matchup has been added

Tournament Features

  • You can create new tournament with shorter lengths between 1-8 hours
  • New “Permission” filter has been added that shows private games only
  • “End Tournament” in-game notification added to alert players
  • Tournament has a new game mode: Real Classic Without Perks
  • You can set number of starting balls and turn on/off extra balls in the new Classic Tournament mode
  • Players may set the maximum number of available play attempts
  • Players may sort tournament by default or number of participants / time left

Matchup Balance Issues

  • More players will be promoted to higher matchup leagues
  • You now won’t advance to a new league with 0 Victory Points

Bug Fixes


  • “Table Upgrade” message text has been improved
  • Mastery Screen’s completed filters are improved
  • You may change Quick Play pages with the carousel indicators on Steam
  • Fixed mouse-scrolling speed issue in menus
  • Table purchase issue has been fixed on PlayStation 4 that returned you back to table trial screen after purchase
  • ”Unknown Error” message at table purchase has been fixed on Xbox One
  • Error with Steam overlay screen has been fixed
  • Changing table groups on My Collection screen has been improved


  • Official Tournament’s font highlight issue has been fixed
  • Fixed name of Tournament’s display in screen headers
  • Fixed leaderboard screen bug for Tournaments that displayed false player information
  • Tournament’s end screen congratulatory text has been improved


  • Table purchase function will redirect to the proper pack
  • Fixed season end screen bug that showed wrong player statistics.
  • “Calculating Season” message will appear on the main menu Matchup button during season changes
  • Fixed bug that caused the game to switch back to the main screen after a matchup

Other Improvements

  • Increase your level cap to 50 with new background and frame rewards
  • Search by Name can handle multiple players with the same name
  • Tournament’s “Apply Filter” button has been improved
  • “Game Mode” information added to the Result screen
  • Promoted Tournament winners will receive newsfeed notifications
  • In My Collection screen, you can now use “Add to Favorite” with touch control

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1 Kommentar Added

  1. Premiumpils 66850 XP Romper Domper Stomper | 11.04.2018 - 21:29 Uhr

    Ich hab auch mal Turniere ausprobiert. Ist zwar ne nette Abwechslung, aber ich spiele lieber ganz normal ne Runde Flipper.
