The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Patch-Notes zum neuen Update

Image: Gun Interactive

Die Patch-Notes für das bevorstehende Update von The Texas Chain Saw Massacre sind bekannt.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre wird fleißig verbessert und das nächste Update wird auch schon vorbereitet. Damit ihr wisst, welche Änderungen euch erwarten, gibt es hier direkt die Patch-Notes für euch.



  • Fixed: Hitchhiker Trap Exploit

    • Fixed an exploit where Hitchhiker players could use his trap to pass through walls and doors.

  • Fixed: Hitchhiker Trap Interaction Issues

    • We’ve resolved an issue where Victims would be unable to interact with gaps, crawl spaces, and other elements after stepping in a Hitchhiker Trap.

  • Fixed: Johnny and Sissy Lunge

    • Johnny and Sissy both had a lunge that was greater than other Family members.

    • We’ve adjusted this to be more in line with the rest of the Family members.

    • This should also correct the Johnny build we’re seeing used in public matches.

  • Fixed: Brightness Cheat

    • Fixed an issue that would allow PC users to adjust their in game brightness outside of accepted levels by editing game files.

  • Changed: Hitchhiker Traps at Ladder Exits

    • We have adjusted the area at the top of a ladder where the Hitchhiker can place a trap.

    • This still allows for strategic play, but will give Victims an opportunity to counter the trap.

  • Changed: Fusebox Reset

    • The Family can now turn the fusebox off after a Victim turns it on.

    • There is a cooldown applied to the switch, similar to generators and car batteries.

  • Changed: Family Stun Immunity

    • Family now has a 10 second stun immunity period after an initial stun ends.

    • There is NO stun immunity after a Family member is stunned by a Victim bursting out of a hiding place.

    • If you attempt to stun a Family member who has immunity, you will not see the prompt for Leland’s ability or a back stab.

    • If you attempt to stun a Family member who has immunity with a door slam, it will have no effect.

    • Close Encounters all vary in duration due to the individual Family members having different stun recovery times, therefore the immunity period is different for each.

  • Tuned: Tae Kwan Door Perk Levels Reduced

    • Level 1: 5 Seconds Stun Duration

    • Level 2: 6 Seconds Stun Duration

    • Level 3: 8 Seconds Stun Duration

  • Tuned: Agitator Perk Levels Reduced

    • Level 1: 1.5 Level Family Bond Reduction

    • Level 2: 2 Level Family Bond Reduction

    • Level 3: 2.5 Level Family Bond Reduction

  • Tuned: Stealth Performance in Minigames

    • We have adjusted the amount of noise generated in gathering minigames when at full Stealth.

  • Tuned: Leland Ability Stun Duration

    • We have adjusted the stun duration upgrades for Leland’s Life Saver ability.

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4 Kommentare Added

  1. BlauerWombat 2835 XP Beginner Level 2 | 26.09.2023 - 13:55 Uhr

    Also erstmal: supergut dass ihr hier direkt die Patchnotes eingefügt habt! Sehr praktisch👍🏼
    Zu den Änderungen: die fallen für mich eher etwas moderat aus. Ich hätte mich über neuen Content gefreut. Aber gut, der ist sicherlich in Arbeit. Und Crunch muss nicht sein.

  2. Vossi73 109700 XP Master User | 26.09.2023 - 13:55 Uhr

    Sehr engagierte Truppe was Updates und fixes angeht und dazu wird alles sehr transparent von denen kommuniziert.

  3. DAXJO 20325 XP Nasenbohrer Level 1 | 26.09.2023 - 21:36 Uhr

    Die meisten Änderungen sind berechtigt. Finde den Support der Entwickler super. 😍👍🏼


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