The Bookwalker Thief of Tales: Neuer Patch bringt zahlreiche Verbesserungen


Dank einem neuen Patch erhält das Indie-Adventure The Bookwalker Thief of Tales zahlreichen Verbesserungen.

Kürzlich erhielt die Xbox-Version des Indie-Adventures The Bookwalker Thief of Tales einen Patch, der das Spiel mit einigen Verbesserungen sowie acht neu unterstützten Sprachen versorgte.

Nun steht bereits der nächste große Patch mit reihenweise Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen ins Haus. Diesmal für Xbox und PlayStation.

Laut Entwickler DO MY BEST, sind wichtige Korrekturen für mehrere Kapitel, verbesserte Cursor-Auswahl, aktualisierte Fertigkeitsbeschreibungen, neue Tutorials, UI-Verbesserungen, Fehlerbehebungen und mehr enthalten.

Patch Notes

  • Minor tweaks, bug fixes, and localization updates
  • Tweaked the game cursor logic for better visibility on high resolutions
  • Fixed Shield Skill upgrade descriptions
  • Added run tutorial for gamepads
  • Multiple UI scale and positioning fixes
  • Fixed description line for storage key in Book 3
  • Removed possible softlock in Book 3 related to completing quests before talking to Mikail
  • Removed a possible softlock in chapter 4
  • Removed possible softlock in Book 4 related to not receiving a faith vessel in a cryochamber on the first floor (anyone currently softlocked there should also get a faith vessel to their inventory)
  • Fixed a possible glitch with a character model in Book 4
  • Removed redundant dialogue options from tape player in Book 4
  • Added missing sounds when closing a suitcase in Day 4
  • Multiple camera fixes
  • Fix for a draggable pallet in chapter 6
  • Changed the suitcase note in chapter 6
  • Removed a ghost wardrobe in epilogue
  • Factory crowd members won’t talk after being defeated anymore
  • No more being stuck inside the kitchen door
  • Missing endgame credits – fixed
  • Incremental achievements are now properly transferred between playthroughs
  • Added a constant access to the „free prisoner“ option in chapter 1
  • Invert Mouse Y axis option
  • Fix for Сonveyor puzzle on the Factory
  • Fix for black screen issue when entered the book

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